Warm chili, fun fellowship, and eager trick-or-treaters! Join us for our annual Trunk-or-Treat event!
Each year our church family gathers for a fun night of trick or treating, chili, and costumes for people…and cars!
Love chili and all the fixin’s that go with it? So do we, so our night begins with a great meal around friendly faces. Bring your best recipe of chili, sides, finger foods, or your favorite dessert and start our event off right!
Everyone loves trick-or-treating. We provide a safe environment for children to dress up and gather as much candy as they can! Following our meal, the kids will be able to visit decortated trunks with their friends to fill their candy buckets to the brim!
Not to leave the adults out, we will be having a contest for the best decorated trunk! Break out all of your creative thinking and bring home first place! The sky is the limit! We’ve seen lights, fog machines, and even voice changers!