“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman who needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” Biblical education is imperative to the success of any follower of Christ. First, because we are commanded to be knowledgeable of the scriptures as stated above in 2 Timothy, but also to fulfill other commandments given to us by God. One cannot be the salt of the earth, or a light on a hill if they do not know what that entails. At Augusta Road CoC, we seek to glean knowledge and guidance from the scriptures daily. We would love to have you join us in person during our Sunday morning or Wednesday evening Bible study or if you are unable to come in person, through our website. For our recorded classes and live streams, click here!
Inclusive Study
Encouraging Discussion
We understand that not every member or visitor is at the same place in their spiritual knowledge, and therefore aim to provide meaningful discussion and a wide variety of classes to ensure each individual is growing in knowledge and truth. The main way this is accomplished is through group-discussion in all of our classes from cradle-roll to adult to help provide multiple points of view and to gain perspective while also making the environment very casual and enjoyable to share and participate.
Establishing Strong
Spiritual Foundations
Faith in God and the Bible are an essential part of our christian walk. In today’s society where the authority and even the existence of God are challenged, it is very important to have a strong faith and be able to defend it. Through a detailed curriculum for all ages and stages of Christian walk we aim to not only lay the foundation of one’s faith, but build upon it constantly. 1 Peter 3:15 says “Be ready always to give an answer”. At Augusta Road we strive to build and strengthen the faith of all who attend.